C.E.S. Model SDI-50 Manual, Level Adjustments
The Programming Codes starting with "*5" are actually switches that
are turned on if the function is desired or off if the function is not
wanted. The format used is:
*5 NN X
| | |
| | |_____ "1" to turn the function on.
"O" to turn the function off.
|_________ This is the two digit number which identifies
| the function switch.
|_______________ This is used for all function switch changes.
Check the examples for each of the following cedes.
6.5.1 Toll Restrictions (*5 00 through *5 11)
If you wish to restrict all users, except those who know the Special
Connect Code (*7 1) from making toll calls, then program these
restrictions. Attempted dialing of a toll restricted telephone number
will result in the Error Message being transmitted, and then immediate
For toll restriction to be active, software switch *5 33 should be
turned on.
To program the toll restrictions you first need to determine what
numerals dialed as either the first or second digit of a telephone
number would result in a toll call. In most areas of the United
States, toll calls start with the number "1". In areas where the area
code can be dialed, the second number of the area code will be a "O"
or a "1". The number "9" should also be considered for restriction
because there is usually a charge to call numbers starting with "900"
and "976".
When programming you will "Flag" these numerals as restricted
numerals. You then program the unit to check for these "flagged"
numerals in either the first, second, or both positions of the dialed
number (using switches 15 and 16). Use the table on the following
page to "Flag" the numerals.
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