Operation mode
Technical instructions CONTROLLER -
Filling feeder screw:
This option is used to initially filling of the transporter. It can also be used if the transporter is emptyed. We recommend
that you start the procedure and wait for the process to complete to make sure the transporter is full (20 min.).
Before starting this option, disconnect the plastic flexible tube from the burner and place the bucket / bag underneath.
After finishing the process, empty the pellet / bucket bag into the pellet tank and connect the plastic flexible tube back to
the burner.
Filling at start check:
This option is used to control the initially filling of the burner. By pressing the "START" key the transporter will start
working and continue continuously until the set time has elapsed (the counter starts to count down). The specified time is
set in the Initial Charge parameter in the "INSTALLATION" menu. After the transporter has stopped working it is
necessary to open the burner door and check if the pellets are covered. El. heater for correct ignition (open the lower
door and close them after checking (microswitch)) - follow the instructions on the screen. After completion of the control
and eventual correction of the initial charge time (+ 10%), the control automatically records the done change, the boiler
starts automatically without initial charge! (so you do not need to clean the pellet grate manually). If you do not want to
start automatically after the control, the "5. Operation mode-> 5.1.Forced Shutdown" may turn off the burner, but after
that you must clean the burner grate.
Possible Reasons for Correction:
If the pellets are not covered the el. heater, the pellet transporter may be either insufficiently filled or the initial filling time
should be extended (in steps of 10 seconds).
This option is used to check pellet delivery amount.
You can set the transporter working time (1) after which you want to weight the pellet.
On screen is displayed factory amount and last measuring which can be done only by authorized serviceman (if has
been done, if not factory and last weighning is the same).
In order to weigh more precisely weighing must be repeated at least 3 times
f the transporter is empty, it must be filled before the burner is started.