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P a g e
Camera Trigger Width (20)
Sets the width in mS of the Trig Out signal to trigger the attached camera. It must be less than, or equal to, the
lowest Strobe Width and Frame Time.
Resolution (21)
Sets the timing in milliseconds or microseconds
Sequence Settings
Executions (23)
Sets how many times the sequence is executed before moving to the next sequence in the recipe. If set to 0, the
sequence will not run during testing or execution.
Add/Delete a Sequence (22)
Adds a sequence to the recipe or deletes a sequence from the recipe. Whatever sequence is shown in the drop
down is the sequence being modified or deleted.
Note: If a sequence is added/deleted the sequence’s number changes. What was made as sequence 4 becomes
sequence 3 if sequence 1,2, or 3 is deleted. If a sequence is added all the sequences after that sequence increase
in number (i.e. add after sequence 3, original sequence 4 becomes sequence 5, previous sequence 5 becomes 6,
Number of Frames (30)
Sets the number of frames in the programmed sequence; maximum 12 frames. For the LSS-2404, the default is 4
frames to correspond with flashing each of the 4 segments one time for the photometric stereo technique
Channel Mapping (29)
Specifies which output channels turn on for each programmed frame. With the number of frames in the X-axis
and number of channels (fixed by hardware configuration) in the Y-axis: Check the boxes for each light channel
to be triggered per each vertical frame. Any, all, or none of the output lighting channels can be on for each
Frame Settings
Frame Time (24)
Sets the time in mS for each frame in the sequence. The frame rate will automatically read out based upon the
frame time set. The default is 25 mS/40 fps. It will usually be associated with the camera frame rate, exposure
cycle, or a cycle time related to the machine.
Frame Rate (25)
Number of frames per second the camera displays an image. Depends on set Frame Time (Read Only).
Strobe Width (26)
Sets how long the light stays on when activated for each frame. The Strobe Width setting must be less than, or
equal to, the Frame Time that is set. The default is 20 mS.