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P a g e
The diagram below shows the timing structure for computational imaging with the motion capture frame, using
the method described above.
In general, if errors or unexpected behavior occur power cycle the LSS. If the issue is not solved, hard reset the
LSS. The table below describes the LED light indicator:
Meaning and Required Action
Power on
Blue Flash Indicate active trigger
Bootloader mode
General fault; power cycle
Red Flash Reserved for future use
Hung up; requires hard resetting the LSS to fix
Force on Light
To manually turn on a segment of the light open another browser
tab → in the browser type
(IP address LSS is set to) to turn on and to turn it off.
Where X represents the number of the channel being forced on. X can be 1,2,3, or 4 for the LSS-2404.
Ethernet connection
If an ethernet connection is lost, refresh the browser webpage. If a connection cannot be made, power cycle the
LSS controller. If still no connection can be made the LSS is trapped in a HardFault handler. To fix hold the reset
button for 10 seconds and refresh the browser
page. See ‘Reset Button’ below for further details
LSS-2404 front panel indicators