Taking Photos
• Each folder can contain up to 500 files. When that number is exceeded, a new folder is created automatically.
Understanding folder names
• An example folder name is “101_1103”. The first 3 digits indicate the folder number (from 100 to 999) and
the last 4 digits indicate the month and day when the folder was created. In the example, the folder
numbered 101 was created on November 3.
Understanding photo numbers
• An example photo number is “101-0107”. The first 3 digits indicate the folder number where the photo is
stored and the last 4 digits indicate the consecutive number assigned to the photo (from 0001 to 9999).
• The photo number also indicates the name and location of the file on the SD card. For example, a photo
numbered 101-0107 that was recorded on November 3, is located in the “DCIM\
_1103” folder as the
file “IMG_