ENGLISH OUS indications
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For the sacrum a minimum of six (6) SEM value measurements are recommended. These are
taken by moving directionally around the bony prominence to identify healthier tissue and other
damaged areas around the bony prominence. The recommended positions for Provizio SEM
Scanner readings to complete for an assessment of the sacrum are shown below (Figure 22).
Figure 22 Recommended sacral measurement locations
As a starting point, #1 is just above the gluteal cleft of the sacrum, around S3 of the
sacral bone.
#2 through #6 are positioned side-by-side from #1. Variations with distances apart may
arise due to positioning of the patient and restrictions prohibiting measurements at
positions #5 and #6.
#3 should not be made higher than S1 of the sacral bone.
Taking measurements at either heel
Make sure that any surface moisture or matter is removed from the area on the skin being
Make sure that the sensor is flat against the patient’s skin in the area to be scanned.
Continuously increase pressure on the area until the scan is triggered.
The scanner will flash and beep when the measurement has been taken. After the beep, lift the
scanner off the skin.
For heel scanning, a minimum of four (4) measurements are recommended. Measurements are
taken by moving directionally around the bony prominence to identify healthier tissue and other
damaged areas around the bony prominence. The recommended positions for Provizio SEM
Scanner readings to complete for an assessment of the left heel is shown below (Figure 23).