ENGLISH OUS indications
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Upon placement into the Charging Hub, the scanner switches into charging mode and initiates
wireless communications with the configured wireless network and then connects to the
Gateway Server. All communications are encrypted and secure.
Once the scanner has connected to the Gateway Server, all stored data sessions are uploaded
to the Gateway Server and then deleted from the Provizio SEM Scanner. There have been
occasional cases of the data not automatically uploading, this is usually because the Facility WIFI
has not initiated
a red X will appear
in which case:
Try simply removing and replacing the device into the Charging Hub
if the issue
Ensure there are no known WIFI issues ongoing in Facility
if none
Refer the issue to your Facility IT support
they have access to a Guide to decode
the error and find a solution
If interrupted during the data transfer, the scanner will resend the interrupted and unsent data
the next time it is placed in the charger.
Turning the Scanner OFF
The scanner may be turned off by pressing and holding the action button.
After being turned off and then on, the scanner will re-start and begin a new patient scanning