RAW DATA: This is the lane information on speed
and temperature.
Working with PROGRAMS:
These are the saved pro-
grams. These can be organized within this window.
Click and hold: This allows programs to be reor-
: Click and drag any program to the trash to
remove it from the list.
: Click and drag any program to the edit icon to
alter any parameter.
: These arrows toggle from screen to screen of
the 36 available program storage spaces available.
HOME: This returns the operator to the main
running screen.
MENU: Returns the operator to the MENU
PROGRAM NAME: Select any program button and
that will replace the one currently running. Once
pressed, the system will ask which prompt SELECT
ZONE and then return to the HOME screen. SE-
LECT ZONE is referring to which lane the program
needs to run.
See Working With Control Panel Icons for infor-
mation on the individual buttons.
BAR CODE ID: If the Bar Code has been prede-
termined within another piece of software, that
number can be entered here.
Figure 23: Raw Belt Data
Figure 24: Programs
Figure 25: Set Zone Temperature
Figure 26: Edit Program Window
Figure 27: Bar Code ID information