Working with each control panel icon
Pressing the DEFAULT button will bring you to the PRO
GRAMS window. This is where your stored programs are
accessible. To change the program your oven is running,
press one of the saved choices.
After choosing a new program, the screen will return to
the HOME screen and the parameters of the newly chosen
program will appear. The oven will then need time to reca-
librate to any changes in time, temperature and airflow.
Any changes in the Middle Window parameters will cause
this label to change to SAVE. If the new parameters need
to be saved as a program, press SAVE. The PROGRAM
NAME window will pop up.
Type the name you wish to refer to this program and select
. To cancel, press the
. The
toggles the key board
from upper to lower case. The
button changes the key
board to accented letters. To erase a typo, press the
Changing a parameter does not require the operator to save
a program. The oven will operate on the new parameter as
it is set on the HOME screen.
Figure 5: Main screen at Default
Figure 8: Program Name Screen
Figure 6: PROGRAMS screen
Figure 7: Main screen with selected programs