Addressable Radio Link System
Figure 7-6
After defining individual settings the changes shall be saved in the memory of radio link devices. For
doing so click Save Changes at the bottom of the Properties tab. Successful completing is
accompanied by displaying a Settings Saved message.
Setting Properties of S2000R-ASR2
Setting of the S2000R-ASR2 properties should be performed when the Device Poll Interval is set to
30 s. The current poll mode of the S2000R-ASR2 can be seen in the Poll Interval string on the
Properties tab.
Settings are transmitted to the radio link devices in the next communication session.
In order the settings can be changed successfully please do not disconnect and do not
reset the ARR32 before the next communication session is established.
If setting changes the number of the polling loop addresses occupied by the device
(enabling/disabling Monitored Circuit and so on) then the address of the device is reset
to the default value (127) to avoid address collision.