Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN712 Rev. 9
June 2021
Battery Maintenance and First Installation
Section 12: Battery Maintenance and First Installation
Section 12: Battery Maintenance and
First Installation
If the device is located in hazardous area a "hot permit" must be obtained before
opening the explosion proof enclosures. Moreover, the area must be cleaned from
explosive mixture since batteries and power supply could generate electrical spark and
cause explosion.
In this section is described a step-by-step procedure for the Replacement or the First
Installation of the Battery Packs. All the points must be performed in the order they appear.
It is assumed that the configuration of the ELBS-20 is correct; the Battery Packs declared
(“V.Bat.Applied”, “V.Bat.Dual”) are actually used. See Sections, 6 and 7 for details.
Set to SLEEP the Operating Mode of the ELBS-20 (see Sections 6 and 7).
Open the cabinet of the ELBS-20 (8 mm Allen key for the EJB51 cabinet).
Figure 29