Baxi Bermuda RG3
37 077 64
The Baxi Bermuda RG3 (G.C. N
37 077 64) is a
combined gas fired central heating boiler and gas fire
unit, designed for installation in a living room. The boiler
and fire unit is designed to be used on Natural Gas only.
The heat input of the fire at maximum setting is 5.52kW
(18,834 Btu/h) with an output of 3.47kW (11,865 Btu/h).
The fire is controlled by a knob which is positioned on
the right hand side of the case. This knob has six
positions giving a choice of four output settings.
Position - OFF
Position 1 - LOW
Position 2 - MEDIUM
Position 3 - MEDIUM/HIGH
4 - HIGH
When required, the artificial coal bed may be illuminated
by concealed bulbs. The light effect is operated by a
switch situated below the control knob. It may be used
whether the fire is ON or OFF.
Important Information
This product contains Refractory Ceramic Fibres
(R.C.F.) which are man-made vitreous silicate fibres.
Excessive exposure to these materials may cause
temporary irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
Care must be taken when handling these articles to
ensure the release of dust or fibres is kept to a
To ensure that the release of fibres from these articles
is kept to a minimum, during installation and servicing it
is recommended that a H.E.P.A. filtered vacuum is used
to remove any dust, soot or other debris accumulated in
and around the appliance. This should be performed
before and after working on the installation.
It is recommended that any replaced item(s) are not
broken up but sealed within heavy duty polythene bags
and clearly labelled “R.C.F. waste”. This is not classified
as “hazardous waste” and may be disposed of at a
tipping site licensed for the disposal of industrial waste.
Protective clothing is not required when handling these
articles but it is recommended that gloves are worn and
the normal hygiene rules of not smoking, eating or
drinking in the work area are followed and always wash
hands before eating or drinking.
Most heating appliances generate warm air convection
currents and transfer heat to any wall surface against which
they are situated.
Some soft furnishings (such as blown vinyl wallpapers) may
not be suitable for use where they are subject to temperatures
above normal room levels and the manufacturer's advice
should be sought before using this type of wall covering
adjacent to any heating appliance.
The likelihood of wall staining from convected air currents will
be increased in environments where high levels of cigarette
smoke or other contaminants exist.