Setup, Network and Communication Manual ESTM / ESTM-L
Technical data subject to change without notice.
No claims for damage arising from alternations, errors or misprints shall be allowed.
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Bluetooth Name:
CAUTION if the Bluetooth name is changed, the Bluetooth
connection will be disconnected. It can be reconnected
The Bluetooth Name can be change to a string of 30 characters.
Change Password:
WARNING It is important to make sure that the password
is not got lost or that a faulty entry will be made when
changing it. If the password gets lost, changes are no
longer possible. In this case you can contact your
BARTEC Service partner how will provide help.
Enter new password (length 6 characters)
Press Change Password and enter if requested old device
password and temporary Pin.
The device will show:
Changing password to: ******
Now the New Password is saved.
Factory Reset:
If you reset the unit to factory settings, all settings will be
lost: Uncontrolled switching of the connected heater may
result. Make sure here that neither persons nor processes
can be affected.
CAUTION After a factory reset, the device is set to Forced
switch off mode. This prevents the device from switching
itself on without purpose. You can reset this mode after a
waiting period of 5 minutes. See: 4.8.7 Trace .
Press the reset button min 8 sec and the release it.
Enter the MAC Address (see 3.2 Bluetooth ID) of the device and
confirm with OK.(capital letters only / no colons) Enter temporary
Pin the device will reset to factory settings.
“Wait device is restoring factory settings”
Now the factory reset completed