Setup, Network and Communication Manual ESTM / ESTM-L
Technical data subject to change without notice.
No claims for damage arising from alternations, errors or misprints shall be allowed.
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Parameters, control values and indications
(physical Value)
not underlined, font colour light grey
points, etc.)
underlined, font colour black
STATUS indication:
the colour shows the good, warning or alert
condition, the text informs you more detailed
Green Coloured Symbols are indicating
the god condition.
(no fault or warning status at those Value)
Yellow coloured Symbols are indicating
the warning condition.
(those states are to be aware of a might
upcoming fault status)
Red Coloured Symbols are indicating an
ALARM condition.
Change and Safe
To save all changes, always press the SAVE CHANGES button
before leaving the submenu.
The first time after each Bluetooth connection the device
password is requested (default ESTM-L).
Enter your Password and confirm with OK
Now the Temporary Pin (see 4 General information) is required it
will be shown on the device display.
Enter temporary pin and confirm with OK
The app shows at the bottom Line:
“Saving Settings, please wait.”
“Settings saved”
Now the settings are saved to the device.
If an incorrect password is used, an error message is displayed
If a red symbol is displayed, a parameter has been
exceeded. This can have several reasons. It is necessary to
check in detail what actions are to be carried out. if such a
condition remains for a longer period of time, there might
be a risk of system breakdown.