07 - 2009
5.1.2 Configuration of the coin type
To indicate the type of coin that is used in each hopper, it is necessary to configure the
dipswitches on the control board using the following table:
Table 16: Table of configuration of the coin type
Parallel protocol is, depending on whether it is managed by the master or not, the most simple
to implement and manage. The communication interface is based on the changing state of the
control signals and unlike Cctalk protocol, parallel does not use communication commands, but
a sequence of signals that correspond to orders and confirmation of actions, status or errors.
The connection diagram between the different hoppers and the master corresponds to a
configuration in a star shape, that is to say, each unit of payment should be connected directly
to the main control board on the machine.
5.2.1 Configuration of the working mode
The parallel protocol has 4 different working modes, depending on the type of control that the
master has over the hopper. The modes may be configured in two ways, by means of hardware
using signals IN1 and IN2 or by establishing the mode directly on the configuration dipswitches
on the T3.
Configuration by hardware
0 1
1 0
2 1
Reset 0 1
Table 17: Parallel configuration modes by hardware