07 - 2009
prevent the jamming of coins in the extraction system. By means of the current sensor, we
monitor the current draw of the motor at all times and activate the reverse movement of the
track to remove the jam before an eventual blocking of the hopper. If, in spite of activating the
function anti-jamming, it is not possible eliminate the jam, the hopper communicates the error to
the master so it can determine further action.
Anti-span Function
Is possible that, due to the position of the coins in the hopper, there are moments that no coin
reaches the exit. To minimise this time, if a time span of 7 seconds occurs and it has not been
able to extract any coins, it activates the reverse movement of the track to stir up the coins in
the hopper to remove bridges of coins.
Coin ID Function
As a measure of assuring payment, all the coins transported by the track are measured at the
sensorisation stage. In this way, there is no possibility of the hopper carrying out the payment of
a coin that does not correspond to the payout type without having first detecting it and informing
the master. With this information, the master may activate the payment of an additional coin in
the case that it is considered appropriate.
In the hopper configurations of two types of coin, this function identifies the type and position of
the coins in the track and then informs the master for the corresponding payment instruction.
Coin paid out Function
The detection of the payment of a coin is carried out by the combination of the sensorisation
stage and the exit sensor. By means of software, the exit of the coin can be securely
guaranteed avoiding all exterior manipulation.
Detection of errors
Any anomalies in the extraction operations and exit of coins, such as any incidence or attempt
of manipulation detected by the different sensors, are reported to the master or to the user.
The communication of errors is different in parallel and Cctalk serial protocols. For more
information, consult the section on error reporting in the corresponding protocols.
Detection of attempt of theft
The T3 has different security systems, as well as sensors it has software devices which can
detect any attempt of any known manipulation or fraud.
As well as these active measures, in the design phase of the product, great importance was