DSP resolver user manual
User Manual
Version 1.15
Downloading Instructions
What is needed :
1. PC with terminal software, for example the HyperTeminal, or the preferred one,
2. Programming cable. See instructions on chapter 6.1.1.
The HyperTerminal software is found normally in the Window´s “Start” menu ->
“Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “Communications” -> “HyperTerminal”.
The initial settings in HyperTerminal are done using the following steps:
1. Start HyperTerminal. “New connection” window opens, where you can type a name for
the connection. Type here “AXRES sw download” and press “Ok”.
2. “Connect” window opens. Select from the drop-down box at the bottom of the window
(“Connect using”) the serial port you have available on your PC, for example “Direct to
3. “Serial port settings” window opens. Enter the following values:
Bits per second:
Data bits:
Stop bits:
Flow control:
4. Now the actual terminal window opens. Press the 'd' button down and power up the
AXRES module. The terminal window should show text “Send S file”. If you don't see
anything, check the connection of the serial cable, and that the COM port you have
selected is really available on your PC, and try again.
5. Now you can download new software by clicking “File” -> “Send file”. File browsing
window pops up. Select correct S19 -file and click “OK”. You may also just drag and
drop the file into terminal window.
6. The applications boots up automatically after successful download
Axiomatic Technologies Oy