© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Device port: Set which remote console port (Port A or Port B) on main controller/secondary unit to
connect to this DGL-MIC remotes.
Dynamic: Dynamically increase/decrease the level of speaker based on the background noise
during the paging.
Static: Detect the background noise when starts paging, and use the fixed gain based on [Over
Noise Level] setting to increase/decrease the level of speaker.
Device mount: Select which
main controller/secondary unit is connected to the DGL-MIC. Setting
The BOUTIQUE system provides a flexible and low-cost switchable amplifier solution, all paging calls
and BGM can be defined to be amplified by internal amplifier or the external amplifier. The internal
amplifier can also share its power amplifier with other secondary units. Moreover, an external power
amplifier can also be connected for backup. Therefore, you can define which amplifier in the same
group in order to share its power.
1. Go to System > Device Management > Setting (controller or secondary unit).
2. Click [
Setting] button on Device Management to enter the setting window of controller/
secondary unit, see the picture below.
ID: The ID of BTQ-VM4/VM8/VM8W1/VM8W2/SG8.
Name: The display name of BTQ-VM4/VM8/VM8W1/VM8W2/SG8/SL8 on web browser.
Type: Choose the model (BTQ-VM4/VM8/VM8W1/VM8W2/SG8) as the master unit. The
BTQ-SL8 model will automatically display if it has been configured on Setup Wizard or [Device
Management > System Size].
Zone name: Click [
Edit] button to open the Zone Name window, see the picture below.
Users can enter the zone name in the empty box, and click Save button to save the changes.
The zone names will be applied on the log list, fault list, LCD panel of controller.
AMP1---power: Use internal amplification (int. AMP) from main controller or an external