© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Monitor: Enable/disable the monitoring function on all the connected BTQ-VM4/8 controllers.
Monitor cycle (s): The interval(sec.) that the connected BOUTIQUE system perform monitoring
each time.
Monitor tone (Hz): Choose the frequency of monitoring tone signal between 18K or 20K Hz.
1kHz: Enable the 1K tone for monitoring. If this option is on, a 1K tone signal will be sent to
the amplifier for monitoring during the time and period.
We recommend to measure the 1K monitoring when no one is around due to the 1K
monitoring will cause high pitch sounds.
Time (hh:mm): The time to start the 1K tone monitoring.
Period (hh:mm): The time interval to monitor the 1K tone. Zones
The zone monitoring is based on the impedance measurement. It has three different reference
values: Line A, Line B and Line A/B. Reference for Line A and Line B are the individual impedance
measurement of speaker lines. Reference Line A/B correspond to the Line A and B in parallel.
Line A = Za
Line B = Zb
Line A/B = 1/((1/Za) + (1/Zb)) Control
1. Frequency (Hz): Choose 18K/20K or 1 K monitoring.
2. Speaker line voltage: The 25V/70V/100V audio signal through the amplifier and back to main
controller/secondary unit.
3. DLC (dummy load calculation) setting list: Set the dummy load setting based on monitoring
result listed on [DLC] window.
4. EOL OP ratio (%): Display the wattage load of the connected VA-EOL unit and loudspeakers
in ratio. If the ratio is reach 100%, it indicates as Over Power (OP).