account code
A code used by your company to associate incoming and outgoing
calls with corresponding accounts, employees, projects, and clients.
4-7 , 4-8 , 4-9
Account Code Entry
A feature you use to enter account codes. 4-7
Alarm button
A button with a light that goes on to signal something is wrong with
the system. 4-10
Alarm Clock
A feature you use to set a display phone to signal (beep) at a certain
time to remind you of an appointment or meeting. 4-11
announced transfer
A call you announce to your co-worker before the call is transferred.
2-9 , 2-11
answering machine
Equipment you can connect to your phone to record messages from
callers and leave messages for callers when you are not available to
Auto Dial
A feature you use to automatically dial an inside or outside number
by pressing a programmed button. 2-2 , 4-12
I n d e x / G l o s s a r y I G - 1