Understanding Your Equipment
Fast Flashing
This co-worker is calling you.
Slow Flashing
A call you transferred to this extension is
returning to you.
L i n e
A call is ringing on this line.
If an extension button has a dial-out code assigned to
it, the button’s light is always off.
Message Status Lights
To alert a co-worker when they have a message, you and
other operators can use Send/Remove Message to turn on a
message light on the co-worker’s phone. If a co-worker’s
message light is already on, sending a second message may
turn off the message light.
To help you avoid errors, your DSS has a
Message Status
button that lets you check the status of co-workers’ message
lights before you use Send/Remove Message. When the light
next to the
Message Status
button is on, the DSS extension
button lights show
status: if the DSS button light is
on, your co-worker has an operator message.
You can also check message status if your console has Auto
Dial buttons programmed with co-workers’ extensions. The
red light next to an Auto Dial button is on when your co-worker
has an operator message.
Lights 1-17