Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
Section
–
Maintenance
15.
Maintaining
the
Aircon
Module
Inlet
Filters
Replacing/Cleaning
Right
Door
Filters:
Remove
the
Filter
cover
panel
using
the
captive
thumb
screws
Remove
the
foam
filter
material
‐
wash
or
replace
as
necessary
Carefully
replace
the
dry
foam
filter
in
the
cavity
and
replace
the
cover
panel,
fasten
the
captive
screws
to
hold
firm.
Replacing/Cleaning
Left
Door
Filters
(if
fitted)
Remove
the
Filter
cover
panel
using
the
captive
thumb
screws
Remove
the
foam
filter
material
‐
wash
or
replace
as
necessary
Carefully
replace
the
dry
foam
filter
in
the
cavity
and
replace
the
cover
panel,
fasten
the
captive
screws
to
hold
firm.
Air
Conditioner
Maintenance:
Refer
to
attached
IceQube
instructions
for
maintenance
information.