Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
11.
Installing
Your
Equipment
It
is
recommended
to
start
with
the
equipment
at
the
rear
of
the
Armarac
and
that
the
heaviest
equipment
should
be
installed
at
the
rear
e.g.
Uninterruptible
Power
Supply
(UPS).
Please
configure
your
Armarac
for
the
correct
Rack
‐
Unit
sizes
(refer
Section
C5
above)
e.g.
setting
up
1U
and
2U
combinations
to
match
the
equipment
you
intend
to
install.
Please
ensure
the
correct
manufacturer
specific
retention
thread
screw
adapters
have
been
fitted
(refer
Section
C6
above).
Step
–
Open
the
rear
Vertiblade
Open
the
front
Vertiblade
brackets
to
gain
maximum
access
to
the
rear
mounting
space.
Noting
that
the
rear
most
equipment
bay
does
not
hinge.
Step
–
Install
your
first
device
Carefully
lift
the
device
in
to
the
‐
inch
opening.
Take
care
to
align
the
manufacturers’
retention
screws
with
the
holes
in
the
Screw
Adapters
on
both
the
left
‐
hand
and
right
‐
hand
Vertiblade
extrusions.
Note
take
care
to
ensure
the
“top”
surface
of
the
equipment
faces
outward.
This
will
ensure
easy
access
to
server
mainboards
and
drives
.
Step
–
Secure
your
first
device
Install
and
fasten
the
manufacturers’
retention
screws
securely
in
to
the
Vertiblade
Screw
Adapters
on
both
sides
of
the
‐
inch
bay.
Close
the
Vertiblade
bracket
in
front
of
the
device
to
ensure
correct
spacing
has
been
achieved.
Step
–
Install
remaining
devices
Repeat
Steps
to
above
for
each
device
to
be
installed
in
your
Armarac.