Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
7.
Installing
Air
‐
conditioning
Modules
It
is
critical
to
the
operation
and
warranty
of
the
air
‐
conditioning
modules
that
they
remain
upright
at
all
times.
All
air
‐
conditioning
modules
must
be
left
for
hours
after
mounting
inside
the
doors
prior
to
running
them
for
the
first
time.
7.1
Installing
the
Right
Hand
AirCon
Module
Step
–
Debox
your
aircon
(IceQube)
modules
Cut
the
cardboard
packaging
away
where
indicated
on
the
outside
of
the
IceQube
box.
Remove
the
packaging
to
expose
the
aircon
module
and
accessory
kit.
Place
the
gasket
kit
and
Ethernet
controller
safely
to
one
side.
Step
–
Apply
aircon
module
mounting/sealing
gasket
Carefully
place
the
IceQube
module
on
a
suitable
work
surface
whilst
maintaining
the
unit
upright
at
all
times.
Apply
the
supplied
gasket
kit
to
the
‘front’
surface
of
the
IceQube
as
shown
in
the
gasket
installation
kit