Shimming Procedure/
Shim Selection
1. Press bearings into bores by outer ring to hard con-
tact with seat.
2. Install the lock collar and tighten to 125 ft-lb; then
stake the lock collar edge approximately 1.5 mm
(0.060 in.) into the lower oil channel.
3. Note the following shim selections (shims are
nominally 1.5 mm/0.060 in. thick):
A. Cover Side - add value A on the differential
housing to value B on the differential housing
cover; then add 1.5 mm (0.060 in.). This will
give you the proper shim thickness.
B. Gear Case Side - install a 1.3-1.4 mm
(0.050-0.055 in.) shim and tighten the bolts to
28 ft-lb. Verify backlash to be within a range of
0.28-0.38 mm (0.011-0.015 in.) and end-play to
be within a range of 0.10-0.20 mm
(0.004-0.008 in.). If not within specification
range, reselect shim until backlash specification
range can be verified.
4. Prior to final assembling, apply molybdenum dis-
ulfide grease to all oil seal lips.
5. Prior to final assembling, prelubricate journal on
pinion assembly with SAE 80W-90 hypoid gear
lubricant prior to pressing assembly into differen-
tial housing.
Assembling Pinion Gear
1. Install the bearing onto the pinion shaft. Install the
pinion shaft collar.
2. Place the pinion assembly in a bearing puller; then
install the bearing using a press.
3. Install the pinion gear assembly into the housing.
Using the 48 mm Internal Hex Socket, secure the
pinion gear assembly with the existing lock collar.
Tighten to 125 ft-lb.
NOTE: On a front differential, the lock collar has
right-hand threads. On a rear gear case/differen-
tial, the lock collar has left-hand threads.
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