Thermal Cycler Temperature Verification System For GeneAmp
PCR Systems 2720, 9600, 9700, 9800,
and Veriti
System User Guide
PCR 9700 Technical Note
This appendix addresses apparent discrepancies between the published instrument
specifications for accuracy and the pass/fail criterion used during the routine
temperature verification.
Temperature Accuracy Verification Test
• In the System Specification Sheet, the thermal cycler accuracy specifications
are published as ±0.25 °C.
• The single-channel Temperature Verification Kit (TVK) consists of the
hardware, thermometer and probe and an associated procedure.
• The TVK does
measure the original manufacturing specification of the
thermal cycler. The purpose of the TVK test is to detect any system failure that
may result in a shift in the original manufacturer’s calibration. This kit should be
used for temperature verification,
system calibration.
• For the GeneAmp
9700, the system has an aggregate accuracy of ±0.25 °C.
• The TVK has accuracy and discrepancy in addition to the original
manufacturing specification.
• Temperature calibration of Applied Biosystems thermal cyclers is extremely
stable, and no measurable change in the calibration accuracy is detectable
a significant change occurs in the instrument characteristics after its
• Temperature Tolerance stack-up between TVK and the original manufacturing
specification is ±0.75 degrees Celsius.
As a result of the Temperature Tolerance Stack, the instrument firmware has
been pre-programmed to accept a Pass/Fail result of ±0.75 degrees Celsius; therefore
passing results may vary from 84.25 °C up to 85.75 °C.