The graphical view for Gain and Group delay consist of two graphs, the filter characteristics of a transmission
chain (provided by the user) and the system response utilizing the optimized precorrection filter computed on
the MMI card.
Please note that the optimization algorithm for group delay contains some random
elements and might not give the desired result 100% of the time. Since the optimization
runs only if new information is provided, to the user will have to change one value slightly
before pressing
to re-optimize and obtain the desired result.
The graphical view may also be switched to a textual view where the points can be added and changed. This can
be done by pressing the co-ordinates button. In this view, the graph window ranges may also be changed
through “Min X, Max X” and “Min Y, Max Y”.
This values can be chosen freely within reasonable values (Gain: Min
X ≥ 0, Max X ≤ 35, Min Y ≥
5, Max Y ≤5 and for Group Delay: Min X ≥ 0, Max X ≤ 35, Min Y ≥ 0, Max Y ≤ 300). The
restrictions for the points are as following:
Each X-value has to be unique.
Y has to decrease with increasing X
At least 5 points.
Only two decimals places.
Group Delay:
Each X-value has to be unique.
Y has to increase with increasing X
At least 5 points.
Only two decimals places.
Once configured, the Linear Gain or Linear Group Delay settings can be enabled by marking the checkbox in the
tab and clicking ‘Apply’.