This configuration page gives a general overview of how many ECMs and EMMs have been configured as well as
providing a dialog to select which scrambling algorithm to run on the card (available algorithms depend on the
licenses and SW version installed). The options provided here are based on the information reported by the
scrambler card during startup.
Slot number for the card
Number of scrambled services
Algorithm used for scrambling services
Minimum CP[s]
Value of minimum CP
Enable Scrambling
Enables scrambling on all the services.
When un checked then disables scrambling on all the services.
Bitrate [Mbps]
Bitrate used by scrambled services
Configurable crypto period on the scrambler
It is possible to configure a user definable minimum crypto period (CP) per scrambler card, under Conditional
Scrambling. The minimum crypto period default is 10 seconds, which is the minimum crypto period
supported, but can be set as high as 6553 seconds.
If the nominal CP duration is changed as a consequence of a user changing the minimum CP, the change takes
effect the next CP. Thus, the current CP is not interrupted (neither shortened nor lengthened in time).
Selective Scrambling/Partial Scrambling
The scrambler card supports both selective and partial scrambling, implying that parts of the content are sent in
clear. Selection is done per service and is enabled during the configuration of the output stream. Selective
scrambling is only available for selected CA systems and requires a license.
Configuring an ECM Generator Channel
A connection to an ECM generator is defined in the
node located under the
Conditional Access
node in the
Navigation Tree
. The connection to an ECMG establishes a channel over which ECMs will be sent.