Auto Reset
Automatic CAM Reset
enables the CAM to reset if there are failures in the
descrambling process. This helps the CAM to recover automatically without
requiring the user to reset manually.
Auto Reset
provides the following
automatic reset is disabled; the CAM can be reset manually.
if one or more services have descrambling failures, the CAM will reset.
if more than half the services configured to be descrambled in the
CAM fail, the CAM will reset.
in this mode, the CAM will simply reset if all services configured in the
CAM fail to be descrambled.
Man Reset
Manual CAM Reset
sometimes resetting the CAM Module is necessary, e.g. if
the CAM is not responding. Click
to power recycle the CAM module.
MAX TS rate [Mbps]
Maximum Transport Stream Range can be used if the rate of the transponder
exceeds the default CAM input rate. The user can choose one of three values:
43 Mbps
58 Mbps
68 Mbps
The default value is 43; however, not all CAMs support these rates.
In a normal configuration, when an input stream is sent to the CAM, only a selection of PIDs that comprise the
services being descrambled are actually transmitted, together with CA- related PIDs listed in the PSI.
Alt CAM Mode
, the entire input stream is sent to the CAM without PID filtering. This feature can be useful in
the following scenarios:
Some CA systems do not list all the required PIDs in the PSI. Often this will involve the EMM PIDs, resulting in
problems keeping the subscription updated over time.
Alt CAM Mode
can prevent this problem.
Sending all the PIDs changes the packet timing of data streaming into the CAM to more closely resemble that
of the input. Testing has shown that very few CAMs require this to work reliably over time.
Not filtering PIDs sent to the CAM simplifies the input card configuration due to all input PIDs being sent. This
may slightly improve response time on service changes. The effect may be marginal, but it could be of value,
especially for inputs where most of the services are descrambled in the same CAM anyway.
The drawback of
Alt CAM Mode
is increased bandwidth usage from the input card(s) into the system. In most
systems, this is not a significant limitation; however, it should be taken into consideration for large systems.
It is generally advised to disable
Alt CAM Mode
as this creates a higher bandwidth
requirement in the unit.
We recommend you enable this option if you have problems with:
descrambling a service
keeping the subscription updatedreliability