System Configuration Interface
Enova Digital Media Switchers - Hardware Reference Manual
System Configuration Interface
The System Configuration Interface is an on-board web configuration tool containing a set of web pages that can be
used during setup to manage your system’s network, security, and system needs, as well as configure its inputs and
outputs while executing switches.
This chapter covers the interface’s Enova DGX Switcher Configuration pages:
, and
. These
three pages are accessed from the Switcher drop-down list on the main menu bar of the System Configuration interface.
The remaining menu options are covered in the
Web Console & Programming Guide
at www.amx.com (located on the
product pages for Enova DGX 100 Series Switchers).
The examples provided assume an Enova DGX 100 Series Switcher is connected to a LAN via its LAN 100/1000 port (see
page 70) and that the System Configuration interface has been accessed (see page 74).
As of NX Series (x200) Master firmware version 1.6.150, the Enova DGX 100 Series Switchers introduce support for pre-
qualification of switches to prevent switching signals of higher band-width than the downstream portions of the system
are capable of supporting. See Legend Page section to understand the ways in which Pre-Qualification feature indicates
pre-qualification mismatches via the System Configuration Interface.
Accessing the System Configuration Interface
To access the interface after initial setup, simply type the integrated Master’s IP address in the address bar of the browser
and press the Enter key (FIG. 96):
The IP address is available through the Control Panel’s LCD menu: Function/Setup Options/Master Info/IP Address.
Username and Password
The Username and Password fields at the top right of the interface allow Users and Administrators to access system
security functions. The default Username for the interface is "administrator" and the default Password is "password." After
initial setup, defaults should be changed to ensure system security.
System Configuration Interface Tips
For optimal display of interface features use an HTML5 browser (such as Google Chrome).
Use the most current version of browser software available.
Some devices run on a secured file-system. As such, file-system operations (e.g., Load and Save operations) may
not be supported by the device’s default capabilities and may require downloading a file manager application.
When selecting Inputs and Outputs for switches – you may select an input followed by multiple outputs, but only
one input is selectable if you select an output first.
Inputs and Outputs can only have one name each, regardless of whether the name is set via the Video tab or the
Audio tab in the Configuration page (or via NetLinx SEND_COMMANDs VIDIN_NAME, VIDOUT_NAME,
FIG. 96
System Configuration Home page
Click to log on (only required if Master Security
and HTTP Access security options are
enabled on the integrated Master)