DeltaChill Technical Manual 9758541 V1.1_06_2020
Anti Vibration Mount location to Unit and Plinth
The Anti Vibration mount is larger than the unit base. Consideration must be made with regard to steelwork / concrete
plinth sizes. Full information is available on the approved General Arrangement drawings. The base of the unit is open.
Considerations must be made for service and maintenance requirements if the unit is installed on a gantry.
AV Mount Overhang
Support Steelwork
Positioning - Mains Isolation
To comply with BS EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of Machinery – Electrical Equipment Machines, each unit shall have an
accompanying isolator (switch disconnecting device). The isolator and emergency stop must be easily accessible
and, in compliance with the Safety of Machinery – Electrical Equipment Machines Standard (BS EN 60204-1), the
isolator handles and emergency stop shall be no higher than 1.9m above the service level. A maximum height of 1.7m
is recommended, whether directly from the service level or from a permanently fixed service level, to ensure ease of
If the unit is mounted on a raised plinth, the upper limit of 1.9m must be observed and a permanently fixed service
platform must be installed to maintain the 1.9m maximum height allowance. Suitable access to the isolator and
emergency stop must be provided and maintained from the point of power being applied to the unit prior to
commissioning. If service level access or permanently fixed access cannot be provided at this point, a suitable temporary
platform needs to be in position before the unit can be switched on or commissioned and should remain in place until a
suitable permanent solution is available.