Expresso Tie Stall
47 © 2012 Agricultural Instruments Corporation
(AIC) 608.526.6882
If the data in the Expresso Memory is transferred to the Tracker Air it is filed by date
on a spread sheet with columns identified as follows:
ID = Identification Number present if entered prior to milking.
Seq = Sequence number is automatically assigned, as a means of separating the
MM/DD/YY = Month/Day/Year the data was recorded.
HH:MM = Hour and Minute the Data was recorded.
MaxT = Maximum Temperature recorded.
Conductivity Number = zero to 60,000, high numbers = highly conductive milk.
OnTime = The amount of time for the milking session.
Yield = The total milk yield.
Y15 = The milk yield the first 15 seconds.
Y1520 = The milk yield from 15 to 30 seconds.
Y3060 = The milk yield from 30 to 60 seconds.
Y1ST = The milk yield the first minute.
= The percentage to the total milk yield produced the first minute of milking.
Y2ND = The milk yield the second minute of milking, from 60 to 120 seconds.
%2ND = The percentage to the total milk yield produced the second minute of
LoFLO = The amount of time the flow rate was below 1 kilogram 2.2 lbs.
Lo/Lo Flo= The amount of time the milk flow rate was below the take off flow rate set
%LF = The percentage of the overall milking time the milk flow was below 1 kilogram
2.2 lbs.
TTFM = Time to First Milk –
From when the milk switch is pushed to the 72560
detects milk.
This Data is used to create all the useful reports within the DairyTrace Soft-
ware (See DairyTrace Manual)
Downloaded Data