Expresso Tie Stall
32 © 2012 Agricultural Instruments Corporation
(AIC) 608.526.6882
Page 6
Attach/Prep Timer
When set to zero this function is disabled. To set
up a attach time enter the attach/prep time function
and with the right switch scroll to the desired attach time. When established the EXPRESSO
provides a count down to attach. Ten seconds prior to attach time the EXPRESSO
s two red lights
flash three times with a pause continually till the EXPRESSO
s attach button is pressed again to
Allow Attach During Prep Time
If yes the operator can attach the milking unit during prep time if no then no attachment is allowed.
Claw Lift Enabled
This setting works in conjunction with the Herd Tracker. It can help automate operations in the parlor
by lifting the next claw in line from the attaching claw in preparation for attach. Claw Lift with Prep
Timer, When selected the detacher will lift the claw 10 seconds prior to the prep timer has expired.
Drop Delay
then after retract the Expresso will drop the claw down for easier access to the cow.
Power up Mode
up memory allows you to control the mode of which the EXPRESSO powers up in. When set
the EXPRESSO control will power up in the mode it was powered down, in idle the
EXPRESSO control will power up in the detach mode and in wash it will power
up in the wash
The password is a numeric number that is established from the EXPRESSO
s serial number. If
password function is turned ON or YES. To enter the set
up you must enter in the password
number. To determine what the password number is during initial power up the EXPRESSO displays
s serial number. The password number is the serial number one for each digit. For example if the
s serial number is 1111 then the password number will be 2222 or if the serial number
is 1234 the password number will be 2345. For each digit of the serial number you add one. Each
unit has a different serial number therefore each unit will have a different password.
Attach with Swing Arm
is selected when the swing arm is moved from one side of the parlor to the next the
Expresso Control will switch to milk when the arm engages the proximity or read switch.
Manual ID Digits
The system allows for 4 or 5 digits for ID numbers. Choose the desired number.
Manual ID
is selected the detacher will ask for an ID number when the milk switch is pressed. After
the ID number is entered press the check key to save it or X key to start over.
Setup Definitions