Gather (6) 4-40 cowl mounting bolts and (6)
#6 small rubber backed washers.
Shown below are only (4) mounting bolts and
washers. You will use (6) mounting bolts and
washers for securing the cowl.
Mount the cowl using the cowl mounting bolts
and rubber backed washers. The rubber backed
washers are to prevent the fiberglass cowl
from cracking and to prevent mounting bolts
from loosing from normal engine vibration.
Remove the tape holding in the canopy bulk-
head hatch.
Slide the stab tubes in the fuse stab tube
sleeves. Slide the stabs on the stab tubes and
plug in the elevator servo plugs. Slide the rub-
ber backed washers on the stab mounting bolts
and insert bolts through the stab mounting tabs
and into the fuse blind nuts. Tighten snugly
but do not over tighten and crack the stab
mounting tabs or the fuse sides.