Fuel Tank Assembly
1. Gather the fuel tank parts as shown below. Fuel
tank and hardware, fuel tubing, foam rubber and
nylon ties.
2. Place the rubber stopper between front and rear
metal stopper caps and insert the screw do not
tighten. Assemble the fuel pick up tube with
clunk and vent tube as shown into the stopper.
Secure both ends of the fuel pick up tube with
nylon ties as shown.
It is highly recommended you solder a brass
barb to the end of the fuel pick up tube to prevent the
fuel line from coming loose due to the weight of the
fuel clunk. (brass barb not supplied)
3. Insert the rubber stopper into the tank with the
vent tube at the top of the tank. Secure the stop-
per with the screw as shown.
Take care not to over tighten screw and strip
rear metal stopper cap.
4. After the tank is assembled, gather the parts as
shown below to install the tank inside the fuse.
Fuel tank, foam rubber, fuel line, fuel “ T “, fuel
filler dot and large nylon ties.
Fuel “ T ” and fuel filler dot are not included.