Rear Carburetor Engine Installation
If installing canister muffler or tuned pipe,
skip to canister installation on page 43
The following instructions are for a rear carbu-
retor style engine with
Pitts style muffler
The DA-50 rear carburetor with
2 1/2”
offs is shown in the following steps.
Note: 2 1/2”
stand offs are supplied with the
DA 50.
2. Mount the engine using the engine manufacturer
recommended bolts (not supplied) and blue Loc-
Use the provided aluminum spacers to make the
front of the engine prop hub (back of spinner)
approximately 6 1/4”to 6 3/8”inches from the
front of firewall.
DA-50 with 2 1/2” standoffs = 6 1/4”
3W-55i with 2 6mm standoffs = 6 3/8”
Securely tighten the engine to the firewall as
shown. We recommend using 1/4-20 bolts and
lock nuts for engine mounting. You may also
use blind nuts behind the firewall for engine
: The use of large fender washers is rec-
ommended between the spacers and firewall to
distribute loads. Washers are
Not Supplied!
4. Typical rear carburetor engine installation
DA 50 with 2 1/2” stand offs is pictured below.