Link Slices For Optimization
command 584
linked files
color management
considerations 256, 257
in Version Cue 134
Links palette
replacing placed files with
alternates 136
replacing placed files with previous
versions 136
using with Version Cue project
files 135
viewing alternates and versions
in 135
Liquify filter
applying meshes with 389
distorting images with 385
freezing and thawing areas
with 386
inverting frozen areas with 387
moving pixels right with 385
reconstructing 387
saving meshes with 389
setting tool options for 385
showing backdrops with 390
using mask options of 387
zooming in dialog box 385
Liquify filter tools
Bloat 385
Mirror 385
Pucker 385
Push Left 385
Reconstruct 387
Turbulence 385
Twirl Clockwise 385
Twirl Counterclockwise 385
Warp 385
Load Actions command 738
Load Slice Selection command 578
actions 738
color tables 241, 642
contours 420
duotone curves 726
output settings 647
pattern libraries 499
tonal and color adjustment
settings 282
lock protection, in Version Cue 162,
Lock Slice command 583
Lock/Unlock Selected Colors
command 642
colors 641
slices 583
locking layers
fully 405
multiple layers 406
partially 406
creating in Version Cue
Administration utility 168
entering in Version Cue
Administration utility 156
privilege levels, in Version Cue 169
logs, in Version Cue 158, 171
looping, in animations 619
lossless compression
LZW 678
RLE 678
ZIP 678
lossy compression
JPEG format and 678
modifying with masks in GIF
format 645
weighted optimization and 645
low-key images 275
lpi (lines per inch) 181
Luminosity mode 488
luminosity, viewing in Histogram
palette 277
Mac OS
System color palette 238, 241
Macromedia Flash file format.
SWF format
Magic Eraser tool 491
Magic Wand tool 320
Magnetic Pen tool 457
magnifying images 52, 53
Make Alternates command, in
Version Cue 151
Make Frames From Layers
command 623
Make Primary Alternate command,
in Version Cue 150
Make Selection command 468
Make Work Path command 468
mapping colors to transparency 641
Mark In Use command 153
marquee tools
about 316
coordinates in Info palette 55
Fixed Size option 316
mask editing colors 344
Masked Areas option 341
layers 432
about 338
adding to layers 433
and weighted optimization 644
applying 436
changing opacity of 342
channels saved as 344
choosing color of 342, 344
clipping 436
creating from a selection 343
creating in alpha channels 342
creating temporary 339
discarding 436
for type 544
for weighted optimization 644
modifying color reduction
with 646
modifying dithering with 646
modifying GIF lossiness with 645
modifying JPEG quality with 645
removing quick masks 341
saving as alpha channels 338
saving selections in 338
selecting opaque areas with 436
unlinking from layers 435
vector 433
master files, in Version Cue 126
master palette 643
Match Color comman
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