WinCEGeräte_Handbuch_Administration_v2 00_en
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3.11 Creating a Sysinfo protocol file
A system protocol could be requested for reports that are to be sent to ACD. It contains all information in a
type of protocol file to record the device and its configuration. This chapter focuses on how to create a
protocol file on the device.
Note: no specific customer data is recorded in the protocol.
The protocol file is created with the Sysinfo application which is launched by clicking
Start / Programs / ACD. There are two ways to create the protocol file:
In the application menu (command bar), click the Export option (see Fig. 5) to automatically generate the
protocol. The protocol file can be saved at any storage location entered in a dialogue box. The protocol
is generated with all parameters, no other options are available.
Transfer parameters can be used to extend/restrict the scope of the protocol file. The appropriate
parameters are defined in Table 5.
Screenshot Sysinfo
Sysinfo protocol file path.
The path can contain the following wild card
characters that are then replaced accordingly:
[s] -
Wildcard characters for the device's serial
[t] -
Wildcard characters for the current time
stamp (YYMMDDhhmmss)
Only write information on the ACD files (EXE and
DLL) in the protocol file
Create protocol file with all information.
The complete file system is searched for EXE and
DLL files
(otherwise only "\flashdisk\drivers“).
A "small footprint" Sysinfo file is generated containing
all the information required for a diagnosis.
Sysinfo –f Sysinfo_[s].txt –l
> Sysinfo_S12345678.txt
Sysinfo –f Sysinfo_[t].txt –a
> Sysinfo_T080528165010.txt
Sysinfo –f Sysinfo_[s]_[t].txt –s
> Sysinfo_S12345678_T080528165010.txt
Tab. 5: Transfer parameter definition for Sysinfo program