WinCEGeräte_Handbuch_Administration_v2 00_en
60 / 84
On the Connection tab, the "normal” mode in
WLAN or LAN is already preconfigured.
Define a proxy server and a port to communicate
with a remote Web and application server over
the Internet.
After configuration, persistently save the registry. Other configuration options
The browser can be used to run and operate Web applications where masks can be viewed even if they do
not fit into the space in a display of Windows DE devices. Scroll bars are displayed by default to help view
these pages.
Scroll bars are not helpful if the Web application masks fit exactly into the space of the device display. In this
case, scroll bars can disturb operation and be deactivated.
To deactivate or activate the scroll bars, the program can be configured with corresponding command line
parameters. The Web application start page
can also be entered as command line parameters.
Examples / comments
Activate scroll bars
IESimple.exe -scroll
Deactivate scroll bars
IESimple.exe -NoScroll
IESimple /NOscroll
Enter start page
IESimple.exe -startpage =
IESimple /noscroll /StartPage = WEB-Server
Help function
Call up IEsimple in a console window with one of
these parameters to view a brief help function.
With the first three parameters, the corresponding values are entered into the registry. When you open
IESimple again, you will not be prompted to enter the same parameters.