WinCEGeräte_Handbuch_Administration_v2 00_en
61 / 84 The configuration file
The IESIMPLE.INI configuration file, which is scanned when the program is launched, is stored in the
\Flashdisk\System\Ini folder. Customised settings that differ from the default configuration can be changed
The configuration file is used primarily to enable additional browser commands (GoHome, Find etc.) and
execute them with function keys that have been mapped accordingly.
It is also used to activate error pages.
If navigation errors occur, a separate error notification page is displayed for each error status (index.html).
From any of these pages, you can proceed to other pages, e.g. return to the start page.
A template file (PatternForIndex.html) is used to generate the actual error page for unknown errors.
The \Flashdisk\IESimple folder contains an error status sub folder with the index.html file.
More detailed information is available in the IESimple_SoftwareDoku document.