Operation and Maintenance
Aastra 415/430 as of R3.2
syd-0344/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
Synchronisation with backup
communication server failed
The primary communication server was unable
to transmit the configuration data to the
backup communication server.
This event message is generated by the primary
communication server.
Backup communication server
ID, date, time
Synchronisation with backup
communication server suc-
The primary communication server was able
(following one or more previous failed
attempts) to transmit the configuration data to
the backup communication server.
This event message is generated by the primary
communication server.
Backup communication server
ID, date, time
Synchronization on trunk re-
A BRI/PRI interface entered in the clock pool has
been successfully re-synchronized with the sys-
tem clock.
Port number, date, time
System memory usage below
the critical range again
Memory usage in the file system for a particular
purpose is again under the critical value
Purpose (file type ID):
0: File system, 1: Application, 2: Crash-Log,
3: Monitor-Log, 4: Announcement service,
5: Voice mail, 6: Music on hold, 7: Backup,
8: Hospitality/Accommodation, 9: User folder
File type ID, memory usage in
%, date, time
System memory usage over
the critical range
Memory usage in the file system for a particular
purpose has exceeded a critical value
Purpose (file type ID):
0: File system, 1: Application, 2: Crash-Log,
3: Monitor-Log, 4: Announcement service,
5: Voice mail, 6: Music on hold, 7: Backup,
8: Hospitality/Accommodation, 9: User folder
File type ID, memory usage in
%, date, time
System overload
Network access attempted when all lines are
seized or the system is overloaded.
Route number, user number,
date, time
System phone in service again
A system phone on the DSI bus is ready for
operation again.
Card number, port number,
user number, date, time
System phone out of service
A system phone on the DSI bus is defective or
was disconnected.
Card number, port number,
user number, date, time
Tax counter overflow
Individual cumulative counter or cost centre
counter overflow
Cause (0: User / 1: Cost centre /
2: Exchange line / 3: Room),
number, date, time
Temperature within normal
range again
Following overheating, the temperature inside
the communication server is back in the normal
operating range.
Card number, temperature,
date, time
Temporary activation period
expires on
Reminder of the missing, definitive activation
licence following connection set-up with the
communication server.
Expiration date [DD.MM.YYYY],
date, time
Terminal power
supply: Switching on again
The power supply to the terminals was
switched back on after deactivation due to
Date, time
Event / error message
Trigger condition