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Operating Manual ZF 4-1 M / ZF 30 M



  1.1   Introduction............................... 12
  2.1   Gear Identi


 cation .................... 12

  3.1   Description ............................... 12
  4.1   Installation ................................ 12
  5.1   Operation.................................. 13
  6.1   Maintenance ............................. 14
  7.1   Troubleshooting ........................ 15
  8.1   Technical Data .......................... 16
  9.1   Warranty ................................... 18
10.1   List of recommended 


 uids ...... 82

11.1   Dealer List ................................ 83
12.1   Installation layout ..................... 84
13.1   Warranty Card .......................... 95

1.1  Introduction


The Customer/Operator is responsi-
ble to perform the necessary safety 
checks to ensure that lubrication, cool-
ing, maintenance and recommended 
practices are strictly followed for safe, 
enjoyable operation.
All Transmission units are covered by 
a guarantee. Therefore: In respect to 
the handling of the transmission units 
the instructions stated in this manual 
are to be strictly followed.


The manufacturer is not liable for 
any damages or losses caused by 
faulty installation, wrong handling 
of the equipment and/or de



The Customer has to make sure, 
that any external forces, as well 
as vibration caused by torsion and 
bending, are avoided.
The interaction between engine, 
shaft and propeller may lead to 
torsional vibration, producing a 
hammering noise of gears and 
might damage the engine and/or 
The Supplier is not liable for such 
torsional vibration inherent to the 

This manual includes, among others, 
the following three main chapters:


This part brie


 y  describes  function, 

operation and design of the ZF M.


This part describes the procedures for 
Operation and all necessary safety 


This part contains all maintenance and 
service tasks to be performed by the 
Whenever the terms “right, left, star-
board, port” are used in this manual, 
they always refer to the installed 
transmission in direction of forward 
Important information related to tech-
nical reliability and operational safety 
are highlighted by the identifying words 
as follows:


Any procedure, practice, condition, 
statement etc., which is not strictly 
followed, could result in injury or 
death of personnel.


Any procedure, practice, condition, 
statement etc., which is not strictly 
followed, could result in damage or 
destruction of equipment.


Applies to technical require-

ment to which the user of the equip-
ment must pay particular attention.





always precede the text to which they 

2.1  Gear 




The identi


 cation plate is af


 xed to the 

An example of an identi


 cation  plate 

is shown in Fig. 1:


  Transmission Serial Number.


  Transmission part number.


  Transmission ratio propeller rota-

tion same as engine rotation.


  Transmission ratio propeller rota-

tion opposite to a engine rotation.


  Every year a new progressive letter 

is assigned.






 cance of transmission designa-





Size of transmission

Version of transmission

3.1 Description

ZF M boat reversing gearbox units are 
automatically controlled helical gear 
They are of sturdy construction and ut-
most reliability. Nevertheless the user 
should make a point of observing the 
following instructions for installation, 
operation and maintenance. 
Failure to do so, or unauthorized 
changes in the transmission, will pre-
clude all and any warranty claims.
A Service Manual is available from the 

Fig. 2:
  1) Exchanger
  2) Output 



  3) Identi


 cation plate

  4) Control lever
  5) Remote control bracket
  6) Bowl
  7) Input shaft
  8) Oil level dipstick

4.1 Installation

When mounting the ZF M transmis-
sions, the following items should be 
specially noted:
• Mounting should be done by a spe-

cialist only.

•  Arrange the transmission and engine 




(Fig. 3):

  In relation to the input shaft, the posi-

tion of the transmission must slant no 
more than 20° (15° for ZF MIV) in the 
continuous service mode. Permissi-
ble lateral inclination obtainable from 
manufacturer on inquiry.



: Torsionally elastic 

coupling with min 0.5 mm (0.02”) 
radial clearance, required on engine  

Summary of Contents for 4-1 M


Page 2: ...2 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M 2 0 1 5 i A 1 79 ZF 10 M 3304 002 004 i B 1 86 B ZF 10 M G H I Fig 1 XXXXX F C R A D E Fig 2 Fig 3 1 3 2 7 5 4 8 ZF 15 MIV 6...

Page 3: ...3 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M 35 30 R52 R60 A B 15 35 30 13 15 13 Fig 10 Fig 12 Fig 7 Fig 9 N B A 2 1 Fig 11 2 1 min 0 5 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 Fig 6 Fig 5 5 4 3 2 1 6 X X K P B Fig 4 Fig 8 3 4 5 2...

Page 4: ...4 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M IT Italiano 5 EN English 12 DE Deutsch 19 FR Fran ais 26 ES Espa ol 33 NO Norsk 40 PT Portogu s 47 NL Nederlands 54 FI Suomi 61 EL Elinika 68 HR Hrvatski 75...

Page 5: ...ondizioni e le raccomandazioni ecc che non vengono accuramente seguite possono causare un danno o la morte dell operatore ATTENZIONE Tutte le procedure le pratiche le condizioni e le raccomandazioni e...

Page 6: ...nzionamento NOTA In caso di emergenza pu es sere effettuata l inversione da marcia avanti a marcia indietro con motore funzionante ad alta velocit POSIZIONI DI FUNZIONAMENTO Fig 7 A Verso di rotazione...

Page 7: quanto l elica pu ruotare DESCRIZIONE ASTA OLIO Fig 11 1 Superficie scatola 2 Asta livello olio 3 Livello olio 4 Olio ATF 5 Rondella di tenuta L olio pu essere controllato sia a freddo che a caldo...

Page 8: ...elecomando regolazione 4 Innesto lento Blocco distributore consultare un centro di assistenza Telecomando regolazione 5 L imbarcazione non si muove Blocco distributore consultare un centro di assisten...

Page 9: ...d if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPACITY...

Page 10: ...K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM IN...

Page 11: ...quelle specifi cate per il detto prodotto o sono stati installati e fatti funzionare in maniera non corretta Questa garanzia sostituisce tutte le altre garanzie esplicite o implicite che comprendono...

Page 12: ...ighted by the identifying words as follows WARNING Any procedure practice condition statement etc which is not strictly followed could result in injury or death of personnel CAUTION Any procedure prac...

Page 13: ...NOTE The transmission may be shifted from forward to reverse in case of emergency even at high engine speed SHIFTING POSITIONS figure 7 A Propeller rotation opposite of engine rotation N Neutral posit...

Page 14: ...figure 11 Remove dipstick and check fluid level Fluid level has to be between minimum and maximum marks Insert the dipstick and lock it by turn ing the grip clockwise CAUTION According to the type and...

Page 15: ...ector control Consult service station Improper selector position Adjust Propeller missing Replace Propeller shaft broken Consult service station Transmission malfunction Consult service station Engine...

Page 16: ...lied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPAC...

Page 17: ...K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM I...

Page 18: ...improperly installed or reinstalled or improperly maintained and operated This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expresses or implied including the warranties of merchant ability a...

Page 19: ...tung Wichtige Informationen in Bezug auf technische Zuverl ssigkeit und Be triebssicherheit werden hervorgeho ben durch die folgenden Begriffe WARNUNG Eine Betriebs oder Wartungsanwei sung Verfahrensw...

Page 20: ...ltet werden Schalten bei h heren Drehzahlen kann zu berbe anspruchung der Kupplung f hren und sollte daher im Normalbetrieb vermieden werden ANMERKUNG In Notsiutationen kann das Getriebe bis zu einer...

Page 21: ...en Zustand berpr ft werden HINWEIS Bevor Sie das Wendege triebe in Betrieb nehmen immer den lstand pr fen Dazu folgenderma en vorgehen Den Griff des lme stabes Bild 11 entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn drehe...

Page 22: ...en Fehlfunktion des Motors Sercicewerkstatt konsultieren Die Menge hinzuf gen die man als er forderlich betrachtet um den W rme austauscher und die entsprechenden Anschlussleitungen zu f llen ZF 4 1 M...

Page 23: ...plied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPA...

Page 24: ...s K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM...

Page 25: ...rleistung tritt ausdr cklich an die Stelle sonstiger ausdr cklicher oder implizierter Ge w hrleistungen einschlie lich derje nigen f r marktg ngige Qualit t und Tauglichkeit f r die Benutzung sowie al...

Page 26: ...Op ration ou proc dure de mainte nance pratique condition instruc tion etc dont la non observation peut entra ner de graves blessures ou m me des accidents mortels pour le personnel ATTENTION Op rati...

Page 27: ...sive sur les garni tures de friction il convient donc de l viter en exploitation normale REMARQUE En cas d urgence il est possible de passer de marche avant en marche arri re a un r gime de vitesse el...

Page 28: ...HUI LE Fig 11 1 Face sup rieure du bo tier 2 Jauge niveau d huile 3 Niveau d huile 4 Huile ATF 5 Rondelle d tanch it Le niveau d huile peut tre contr l chaud ou froid REMARQUE Contr ler toujours le ni...

Page 29: ...DE 1 Temp rature d huile lev e Niveau d huile lev Pomper l huile pour redescendre durant le fonctionnement au rep re max de la jauge Niveau d huile bas Ajouter de l huile Refroidisseur encrass Rempla...

Page 30: applied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWE...

Page 31: ...s K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM...

Page 32: ment toutes les autres garanties nonc es ou implicites y compris les garanties commerciales les garanties d utilisa tion appropri es et toute autre garantie sans d g t cons cutif ZF MarineArco S...

Page 33: ...ELIGRO Todos los procedimientos usos condiciones y recomendaciones etc que no se respeten escrupu losamente pueden causar da o o la muerte del usuario ATENCI N Todos los procedimientos usos condicione...

Page 34: ...cia se puede efectuar la inversi n de marcha avante a marcha atr s con el motor a gran velocidad POSICIONES DE FUNCIONAMIEN TO figura 7 A Direcci n de rotaci n de la h lice opuesta a la del motor N Po...

Page 35: ...antes de la puesta en funci n del inversor operando del siguiente modo Aflojar la varilla del aceite Fig 11 gir ndola manualmente en sentido antihorario y extraerla Limpiar la varilla con un trapo li...

Page 36: ...ndo P rdida de la h lice Volver a instalar Rotura del eje h lice Consultar un centro de asistencia La transmisi n no funciona bien Consultar un centro de asistencia El motor funciona mal Consultar un...

Page 37: ...ed if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPACIT...

Page 38: ...K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM IN...

Page 39: ...o producto o han sido instalados y utilizados de manera incorrecta o han tenido un mantenimiento deficiente Esta garant a sustituye cualquier otra garant a expl cita o impl cita incluyen do la garant...

Page 40: ...det installerte giret i retning fremover N r det gjelder viktig informasjon om teknisk p litelighet og driftssikkerhet understrekes f lgende begreper ADVARSEL En drifts eller vedlikeholdsanvis ning b...

Page 41: ...d h yere turtall kan det f re til over belastning av koblingen og b r derfor unng s under normaldrift MERK I en n dsituasjon kan endrin gen av kj reretningen fra fremover til revers utf res med h y mo...

Page 42: ...V OLJESTANDEN ADVARSEL Vedlikeholdsarbeider p giret m kun utf res mens motoren st r stille Ha alltid hansker p n r du arbeider p et varmt gir BESKRIVELSE AV OLJEPEILEPIN NEN bilde 11 1 Husets overflat...

Page 43: ...nsverksted Funksjonsfeil p giret R dsp r reparasjonsverksted Funksjonsfeil p motoren R dsp r reparasjonsverksted 6 1 4 P FYLLING AV GIROLJE Fyll p med olje for ATF automatgir Overhold mengdene som opp...

Page 44: ...plied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPA...

Page 45: K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM...

Page 46: drevet Denne garantien g r foran andre ut trykkelige eller impliserte garantier inklusive de for lettselgelig kvalitet og dugelighet ved bruk samt alle andre forpliktelser bl a inkl indirekte f lge...

Page 47: ...n a de opera o s o evidencia das da seguinte maneira PERIGO Todos os procedimentos pr ticas condi es e recomenda es etc que n o forem respeitados rigoro samente podem causar ferimentos ou morte de pes...

Page 48: ...m e devem ser evitadas durante o funcionamento normal NOTA Em caso de emerg ncia pos s vel efetuar a revers o de marcha frente a marcha r com o motor em alta rota o POSI ES DE COMANDO Fig 7 A Dire o d...

Page 49: ...o reversor pode ser verificado a frio ou a quente NOTA Controle sempre o n vel de leo antes de p r o inversor a funcio nar procedendo conforme indicado a seguir Remova a vareta de medi o Fig 11 girand...

Page 50: ...tor Consulte a assist ncia t cnica Posi o incorreta do seletor Efetue a regulagem Perda da h lice Substitua Ruptura do eixo da h lice Consulte a assist ncia t cnica Falha no reversor Consulte a assist...

Page 51: ...lied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPAC...

Page 52: ...s K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM...

Page 53: ...nado em condi es mais severas ou que ex cedam quelas especificadas adiante para o mencionado produto ou que tenha sido instalado ou reinstalado incorretamente ou tenha recebido manuten o inadequada ou...

Page 54: ...t techni sche betrouwbaarheid en bedrijfsvei ligheid wordt de aandacht gevestigd door de volgende woorden WAARSCHUWING Als deze procedure voorwaarde aanwijzing etc niet strikt in acht wordt genomen k...

Page 55: belasting van de koppelingsplaten en dient tijdens normaal bedrijf te worden voorkomen Opmerking In geval van nood kan de keerkoppeling van vooruit naar achteruit worden geschakeld ook bij een hoog...

Page 56: ...ude of warme toestand worden gecontroleerd N B Controleer altijd het oliepeil alvo rens de omkeerinrichting in bedrijf te stellen door als volgt te werk te gaan Draai de vloeistofpeilstok figuur 11 lo...

Page 57: ...aadplegen Vul de hoeveelheid toe die nodig geacht wordt voor het vullen van de warmtewisselaar en de desbetreffende verbindingsslangen ZF 4 1 M 0 42 liter ZF 5 M 0 42 liter ZF 6 M 0 42 liter ZF 10 M 0...

Page 58: ...applied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER C...

Page 59: K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM...

Page 60: ...ts van alle andere expliciete of impliciete garanties inclusief de garanties van verkoopbaarheid en deugdelijkheid en van alle andere verplichtingen inclusief maar niet be perkt tot gevolgschade en ZF...

Page 61: ...tu k ytt en seuraavia ilmauksia VAROITUS Mik tahansa menettely toiminta tila huomautus jne jonka huo mioimatta j tt minen voi johtaa loukkaantumiseen tai kuolemanta paukseen HUOMIO Mik tahansa menett...

Page 62: ...vuilla K YTT ASENNOT kuva 7 A Potkurin py rimissuunta vastak kainen moottorin py rimissuun taan n hden N Vapaa asento B Potkurin py rimissuunta sama kuin moottorin VAROITUS K ynnist moottori vain vaih...

Page 63: ...Irrota mittatikku kuva 11 kiert m ll kahvaa vastap iv n Pyyhi mittatikku puhtaalla ja p lytt m ll rievulla Aseta mittatikku reik n kiert m tt sit kierteille Nosta se yl s ja tar kista ljyn m r ljyn m...

Page 64: ...taasti Viallinen suunnanvaihtomekanismi Ota yhteys ammattihuoltoon Kaukohallintalaitteen v r s t Tarkista ja s d kaukohallintalaite 5 Alus ei liiku Viallinen suunnanvaihtomekanismi Ota yhteys ammattih...

Page 65: ...lied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPAC...

Page 66: ...K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM I...

Page 67: ...lettu ep asianmukaisesti N m takuuehdot korvaavat kaikki muut suorat ja ep suorat takuuehdot jotka sis lt v t myynti ja k ytt takuun sek mahdolliset muut velvoitteet jot ka koskevat k yt st aiheutunei...

Page 68: ...ELINIKA 1 1 68 2 1 68 3 1 68 4 1 68 5 1 69 6 1 70 7 1 71 8 1 72 9 1 74 10 1 F 82 11 1 83 12 1 84 13 1 Warranty Card 95 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 D A E B E C F G H I 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1...

Page 69: ...69 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M 0 5 mm 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 X B 0 1 mm 5 6 ATF 10 1 5 1 6 1 6 1 4 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 50 80oC TF 100oC 5 1 2 N 7...

Page 70: ...MIV 25 M 25 MA 30 M N A N B 35 mm 30 mm 8 1 22 1 Nm 2 3 4 Ma 22 Nm 16 lb ft ZF 4 1 M N A N B 38 5 33 5 1 5 mm 10 12 0 5mm 9 1 22 1 Nm 2 3 0 5mm 10 1 17 mm Ma 20 Nm 15 lb ft 2 0 5 mm 6 1 6 1 1 11 1 2 3...

Page 71: ...4 ATF ZF 4 1 M 0 42 ZF 5 M 0 42 ZF 6 M 0 42 ZF 10 M 0 42 ZF 12 M 0 60 ZF 15 M 0 60 ZF 15 MA 0 56 ZF 15 MIV 1 00 ZF 25 M 0 75 ZF 25 MA 0 75 ZF 30 M min 0 90 max 1 10 20 15 ZF MIV 82 6 1 5 1 2 7 1 3 14...

Page 72: 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPACITY MAX WEIGHT B...

Page 73: ...for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POW...

Page 74: ...Arco S p A ZF ZF Marine Arco S p A ZF Marine Arco S p A ZF Marine Arco S p A ZF Marine Arco S p A ZFM Reversing marine transmission ZF Marine Arco S p A ZFM Reversing marine transmission 9 1 2 ZF Mari...

Page 75: ...u ili smrt korisnika PA NJA Svi postupci radnje uvjeti pre poruke i sl koji ukoliko ih se korisnik izri ito ne pridr ava mogu prouzro iti tetu ili uni tenje opre me Napomena Odnose se na tehni ke post...

Page 76: ...okretanja motora OPASNOST Motor pokrenuti samo kad je upravlja ka poluga u polo aju praznoga hoda Radna temperatura ulja prijenosa mora biti izme u 50 C 122 F i 80 C 176 F Maksimalna temperaturaATF ul...

Page 77: ...ratiti ipku u otvor bez zavrtanja izvaditi ipku i provjeriti da li je razina ulja unutar granica maksimuma i minimuma 3 4 sl 11 Vratiti ipku u otvor te je pri vrstiti okre u i je u smjeru kazaljke na...

Page 78: ...Otpu teni vijci Otpu teni spojevi Otpu tena mjerna ipka ulja Previsoka razina ulja tijekom rada Blokirani razdjelnik Daljinski upravlja Blokirani razdjelnik Daljinski upravlja Blokirani razdjelnik Pog...

Page 79: ...lied if engine has 1 cylinder K 1 20 for 2 cylinders K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 95 Nm 70 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM INPUT POWER CAPAC...

Page 80: ...K 1 15 for 3 cylinders Max 120 Nm 88 5 ft lb admissible for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B Max 45 kW for main travelling direction with gear lever set to B MODEL RATIO POWER RPM I...

Page 81: ...akom slu aju preko opisanog re ima rada za pojedini proizvod ili su dijelovi montira ni i pu teni u rad na neispravan na in Ovo jamstvo zamjenjuje sva ostala eksplicitna ili implicitna jamstva koja uk...


Page 83: ...TH ZF KOREA CO Ltd 422 2 Chongchon dong Bupyong Gu Incheon 403 032 Rep of KOREA Tel 82 0 32 5051 508 Fax 82 0 32 5051 514 E mail chun bs zf group co kr LUXEMBURG See Netherlands MALTA OCEANS 9 Main St...

Page 84: ...84 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M ZF 5 M 12 1 Installation Layout...

Page 85: ...85 ZF 4 1 M ZF 30 M ZF 6 M...

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Page 95: ...nt of an official ZF Marine Arco S p A dealer This warranty shall not apply if the product or any of its components or parts have been subject to misuse abuse negligence alteration or accident or have...

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Page 97: ...ri o Beschrijving Kuvaus Opis Timbro officina Data Workshop stamp Date Werkstattstempel Datum Tampon de l Atelier Date Sello taller Fecha Verkstedstempel dato Carimbo da oficina Data Stempel werkplaat...

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