The memory test performed after Logon provides an indication that the
nonvolatile memory is functioning correctly and that programming data is
safe. The nonvolatile memory is divided into two sections: those values
that are changed only through programming (such as User parameters) and
those values that are constantly updated (such as User Billing counts and
Paging History values). Whenever Program Mode is finished, a calculation is
performed on the values that don't change and this result is stored. When
Program Mode is entered after Logon, the same calculation is performed and
the result is compared with the stored value.
The Model 16 will accept inputs in slightly different ways during
Programming, depending on what is expected and what is permitted at the
time of entry.
Either upper or lower case letters are acceptable except where specifically
prohibited. An Operator familiar with the Menus can type ahead many
keystrokes because the Model 16 has a large input buffer. As always, type
ahead should be used with some caution since keystroke errors can lead to
unwanted results (note: type ahead may not be possible when Programming
from a personal computer that displays on an LCD screen, especially at fast
baud rates, because the personal computer sends control characters to the
Model 16 to slow it down).
Menu display
A letter corresponding to one of the Menu
selections. CR is not necessary, allowing
instantaneous Menu item selection.
Numeric input, no
current setting shown
A number: one or more digits. Use the Back
space key to erase incorrectly typed numbers.
Press CR to enter the number.
Numeric input,
current setting shown
Press CR before typing any other key to keep
the setting that is shown. Type a number,
one or more digits, followed by CR to enter
a new setting.
Either/or choice,
such as (Y/N)
Type one or the other of the displayed
letters. CR is not allowed.
Either/or choice
with a displayed
default choice
Press CR to select the default choice, which
is usually the current setting. Type one or
the other of the displayed letters to make
a different choice.
String input: letters
and/or numbers; no
current setting shown
Type the desired string - any combination of
letters or numbers as required up to the
number allowed. Press CR to enter the string;
the terminal will automatically CR if the
required number of characters has been input.