When equipped with the tone remote control/modem option, the Model 16 is
capable of keying transmitters (also equipped with tone remote control) and
sending digital data for paging using audio tones. This enables the paging
terminal to be located away from the transmitter using only an audio link to
connect to the transmitter. The audio link mav be 2-wire, radio, oflmTcrowave
so /Tong~as there is jess than 10 dB of loss and no significant noise, phase
interference, notch filtering, etc.
If a link transmitter is used, it may be keyed using the PTT of the Model
16, or if so equipped, it may be keyed by the presence of High Level Guard
Tone (HLGT). Links may be cascaded for more coverage, but the duration for
the-HLGT must be increased for each link that will sequentially key via the
.............. ....... .—
.. ..“
- ..-.. .
The audio output is supplied via a 600 ohm transformer which will drive
approximately -9 dBm into a 600 ohm load. This level is not user
adjustable. The Model_ 16.must be programmed .for..remoto .control operation,.
This is done from the system programming menu (see "System Programming" in
tin s manual) by selecting the "X - transmitter".from the system menu. Step
through the transmitter programming items until you reach "Remote Ctl HLGT
Link Delays". Select a number corresponding to the number of links that
will be sequentially keyed by the HLGT from the Model 16. ^ s e tting of 1
will g i ve.120 ms of HLGT. Each consecutively higher number wiTT gTve“ an
additional 300 ms of HLGT, i.e., 1=120 ms, 2=420 ms, 3=720 ms, etc.
The following diagrams show some typical connections for a Model 16 using
remote control. Note that with a dedicated w i r e p a i r t h e HLGT^mayjusually be
programmed for the minimum duration^