HFA3 Instructions for Use
2660021166131 Rev. A 2018-11
Data Synchronization
(10) Data Synchronization
HFA3 Data Synchronization is a function that allows network connected HFA3 instruments to share
all the tests in their database so that all HFA3 instruments have a synchronized complete set of HFA
tests. In addition, HFA II-i (version 5.0 or 5.1) instruments can be connected to the HFA3
instruments to contribute new tests as they are taken on the HFA II-i. The result of this configuration
is that patients can be tested on any of the connected HFA3 instruments with access to the most
recent patient record and the reports are generated using the full test history of the patient.
Important HFA3 Data Synchronization elements are:
• Function is built into the HFA3, no external database or software is required.
• HFA3 instruments synchronize the test database.
• HFA II-i only contributes new tests to the HFA3 database, which is then synchronized with
other HFA3 instruments.
• All HFA3’s retain existing configured EMR, Export, and Print output connections.
• HFA3 automatically generates reports and sends them to the designated output locations,
even when the test came from the HFA II-i.
• If a report is needed after a test has already been completed, this report must be generated
from an HFA3, not the HFA II-i.
• HFA II-i should NOT be used to Export or Print reports.
• Patient records must be edited and merged on an HFA3. These edits will be synchronized to all
connected HFA3’s.
• If changes to a patient record are made on an HFA II-i, those changes will NOT be
communicated to the HFA3.
• EMR connectivity is not affected by Data Synchronization. Modality Worklists are
communicated to all connected HFA3 and HFA II-i instruments. Reports will be returned to the
EMR as designed.