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6.2.3 Making fiber’s end-surface
Strips cover about 30mm~40mm with fiber coat stripper and clean the dirt
of bare fiber with alcohol tampons. Please consult figure4 (b).
2> Cut the bare fiber with fiber cleaver and hold it about 16mm as figure4 (c) shows.
splice protection sleeve
covered fiber bare fiber covered fiber bare fiber
30~40mm 16mm
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3
6.2.4 Side elevation of cleaved fiber’s end-face
The quality of fiber’s end-surface is of influence to fusion loss; you should try to make
end-face flatly, and the inclination between end-surface and section should be less
than 1º. The figure5(a) is finer end-surface for fusion while (b)
(f) are unqualified and
need to remade.
(a) the good end-face (b) the raised tine (c) the saw-tooth
(d) the unfilled corner (e) the kick (f) the moire
Figure 4 fiber’s end-face
6.3 Fusion
6.3.1 Selecting proper fusion program
Change arc program and parameter to obtain the best fusion result due to
different environment and different kinds of fibers (consult 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4).
6.3.2 Loading fiber
Open the wind cap to reposit the fiber holder; “Load fiber” is displayed on the screen.
Open the fiber holder separately ,Load cleaved fiber into V-groove, and the end-surface
couldn’t touch the bottom of V-groove, consult figure 6(a)
the bottom of V-groove bare fiber