FORM 160.69-O1
ISSUE DATE: 9/30/2012
• 031-02430-000 – shipped in new production
chillers from August 2004 to December 2007. The
program resides in non-removable onboard mem-
ory. The software version is C.OPT.11.xx.yzz,
and is viewable on the DIAGNOSTICS Screen
in SERVICE access level. The program can be
upgraded by downloading a new program from
a Program Card. Program Cards are shirt-pocket-
size portable memory storage devices available
from YORK. This board is backward compatible
to YD chillers presently using the 031-01730-000
• 031-02430-001 – Shipped in new production
chillers after December 2007. This is an upgraded
version of the 031-02430-000 microboard. The
upgrade includes a larger BRAM (U38) and an
additional RS-485 port on COM2 serial port for
Modbus communications. When used in larger
BRAM configuration, requires software version
C.OPT. (or later). This board is
backward compatible with YD chillers presently
using the 031-01730-000 or 031-02430-000 mi-
Earlier vintage chillers could be equipped with a later
Microboard due to service replacement.
Software versions are alpha-numeric codes that repre-
sent the application and revision level per below. Each
time the software is revised, the level increments.
C.MLM.11.xx.yzz or C.OPT.11.xx.yzz:
• C – Commercial chiller
• MLM – Used on Microboard 031-01730-000
• OPT - Used on Microboard 031-02430-000/001
• 11 – YD chiller
• xx - controls revision level (00, 01, etc)
• y – language package (0=English only, 1=NEMA,
2=CE, 3=NEMA/CE )
• zz – language package revision level (00, 01, etc)
C.OPT.11.xx.yy.zzz (after 11/2007):
• C – Commercial chiller
• OPT - Used on Microboard 031-02430-000/001
• 11 – YD chiller
• xx - major revision level
• yy – minor revision level
• zz – software build number
Throughout this book, reference is made to features
that are only available in certain software versions.
refer to the controls revision level (earlt software) or
major/minor revision level (later software). Each time
the software is revised, this number increments.