FORM 160.69-O1
ISSUE DATE: 9/30/2012
it from starting. When this fault occurs on a locked-out
compressor, it is displayed as a warning. This allows
the user to know that a fault exists on the locked-out
compressor. The condition must be corrected prior to
the lockout being removed from the compressor. If it
is not, the warning condition will revert back to a shut-
down as soon as the lockout is removed and will cause
the chiller to trip.
If equipped with software version
(and later) or C.OPT.11.02.300 (and later), the opera-
tion is as follows: the clearance is only checked dur-
ing the last 20 seconds of “System Prelube”, during
“System Run” and during “Coastdown”. Therefore, the
fault is only detected during those periods. Also, the
+10mil threshold must be exceeded for 2 continuous
seconds (instantaneous with previous software).
The chiller (both compressors) has shutdown because
the clearance between compressor #2 high speed thrust
collar and the tip of the proximity Probe has decreased
to <17 mils. The chiller cannot be started until the spe-
cial reset procedure is performed as referenced in the
CAUTION below.
With software version C.OPT. (or later),
if compressor #2 is locked-out using the Lockout key
on the Capacity Compressor Cycling Screen, this fault
does not cause compressor #1 to shutdown or prevent
it from starting. When this fault occurs on a locked-out
compressor, it is displayed as a warning. This allows
the user to know that a fault exists on the locked-out
compressor. The condition must be corrected prior to
the lockout being removed from the compressor. If it
is not, the warning condition will revert back to a shut-
down as soon as the lockout is removed and will cause
the chiller to trip.
If equipped with software version
(and later) or C.OPT.11.02.300 (and later), the opera-
tion is as follows: the clearance is only checked dur-
ing the last 20 seconds of “System Prelube”, during
“System Run” and during “Coastdown”. Therefore, the
fault is only detected during those periods. Also, the
+10mil threshold must be exceeded for 2 continuous
seconds (instantaneous with previous software).
This shutdown must be evaluated by a
qualified Service Technician prior to
starting the chiller. Starting the chiller
without this evaluation could result in
severe compressor damage. To prevent the
chiller from starting without the proper
evaluation, restart is inhibited until the
clearance is 10 to -25 mils of the
Reference Position and a special reset
procedure is performed by the Service
Technician. The evaluation and reset
procedure are contained in YORK Service
Manual 160.69-M1.
The chiller (both compressors) is shutdown because
the compressor #1 High Speed Thrust Bearing Prox-
imity Reference Position calibration has not been per-
formed. The chiller can be started after the calibration
and a special reset procedure has been performed.
Service Technicians refer to YORK Service Manual
The chiller (both compressors) is shutdown because
the compressor #2 High Speed Thrust Bearing Prox-
imity Reference Position calibration has not been per-
formed. The chiller can be started after the calibration
and a special reset procedure has been performed.
Service Technicians refer to YORK Service Manual
The Microboard’s software Watchdog initiated a Mi-
croprocessor reset because it detected that a portion of
the chiller operating Program was not being executed.
The result of this reset is a Safety shutdown and re-ini-
tialization of the Program. This is generally indicative
of a severe electrical power disturbance or impending
Microboard Failure. The chiller can be started after the
COMPRESSOR switch is placed in the Stop-Reset (O)