IM 253401-01E
Storing / Recalling
9.2 Storing/Recalling Set-up Parameters
Storing Set-up Parameters
Stores the current set-up parameters which consist of the following. Four destinations (FiLE1/
FilE2/FiLE3/FiLE4) are available.
Measurement range, measurement mode, scaling settings, averaging settings, filter settings,
integration settings, harmonic settings, plotter output settings, store/recall settings, and
communication settings.
When data are saved in a file and you want to save data in the same file, display C will show
“SAVEd”. Pressing the ENTER key will result in overwriting the previously saved data.
Set-up parameters are saved in another internal memory than measured data.
Saved set-up parameters are backed up by the lithium battery in the same way as measured data.
Recalling Set-up Parameters
When set-up parameters are being retrieved, all set-up parameters are being set accordingly.
After that, measurements can be carried out.