Alarm Number: Alarm
Name (Alarm Description)
Investigative Actions
Corrective Actions
The linear scale resolution is
too low.
Check the linear scale pitch
to see if it is within 100 μm.
If the linear scale pitch is
100 μm or longer, the SER-
VOPACK cannot detect the
correct speed feedback.
Use a scale pitch with
higher accuracy (a pitch
within 40 μm recom-
mended.) Or, increase the
value of the polarity detec-
tion reference speed
(Pn485). However, note that
increasing the value of
Pn485 will widen the linear
servomotor movement
range required for polarity
A.C51: Overtravel Detected
during Polarity Detection
An overtravel signal was
detected during polarity
Check the position after
Perform the wiring for an
overtravel signal. Execute
polarity detection at a posi-
tion where an overtravel
signal is not detected.
A.C52: Polarity Detection
Not Completed
The servo has been turned
ON under the following cir-
An absolute linear scale
is being used.
The polarity detection
selection for the abso-
lute linear scale was set
to not execute. (Pn587.0
= 0)
Polarity was not yet
When using an absolute
linear scale, set the param-
eter Pn587.0 to 1 to execute
polarity detection.
A.C53: Out of Range of
Motion for Polarity Detection
The movement distance
exceeded the set value of
Pn48E in the middle of
Increase the value of the
polarity detection range
(Pn48E). Or, increase the
polarity detection speed
loop gain (Pn481).
A.C54: Polarity Detection
Failure 2
External force was applied
to the linear servomotor.
Increase the value of the
polarity detection confirma-
tion force reference
Increase the value of the
polarity detection allowable
error range (Pn498). (Note
that increasing the allowable
error range will also
increase the motor tempera-
Sigma-5 and Sigma-7 Series SERVOPACKs
Error Lists
Errors during Polarity Detection Functionality
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